Wednesday, April 30, 2008

-untitled- a.k.a. I'm bad at titles

Don't worry, I inhale tornadoes
And blow out the clouds this sky is missing.
Cuz I am not afraid
Of a little rain
Or a bit of lightning, I chase bolts
To break these chains that bind me to home.

I've got this anchor wrapped around my throat
And it's dragging me down (x2)
I try to hold my form, upright and proud
But it's just pulling me
Oh it won't stop pulling me down.

And I've found a mirror
On the surface of this lake;
It's completely calm and I couldn't be any less the same
Oh, I look like hell,
But I feel even worse
Cuz this sandbank frame is stained by the trail I leave

Drop anchor, drop anchor and drive away. (repeat til end)

One day you'll see me
Free of this deadweight
With Hope on my side
But I left my Island behind.

Drop anchor, drop anchor and drive away.

Fishing the Sky

How's the weather there?
Is it colder near the coast?
Does the sun shine quite as bright as it does when you're at home?
Are you lonely?
Are you sleeping well enough?
Is there a reason you don't call, is there something you're afraid of?

Monday, April 28, 2008

For the last fifty miles I've been trying to write
To the tempo of turn signals.
And I'm not getting very far, regardless of how fast I drive.

This car is filling up with smoke
I can't see past my own nose
But it's feeding me with all the right notes.

My eyes are fighting sleep
And these headlights flickering
Aren't helping.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'll write a book of my mistakes one day, and laugh at all the ones I've made, but today I think I'd rather forget everything. I'm in my room, the door is closed. I'm on my bed in all my clothes. The window's open but the breeze is low. I could throw my pen and paper, and I feel like it would wait there, cuz the air's so dead I might just float away.

Can I get high enough so life's just a constant drop til I'm content with it?

Can I see black so dark that light's a brand new start?

Can I stop asking questions and find the answers?

I doubt it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I haven't really written in a while...

If you couldn't tell, but especially lyrics, which is weird to me. It's probably because my love life has taken a sharp turn towards dormancy, but I'm sure I'll get around to being inspired sometime soon (I hope).

This is what I got for the day, I'm going to try and write something every day, regardless of how trivial or out of my normal range for style. And I'm reading a lot more often, too; so hopefully I improve.

I know the world won't stop,
I've sat and watched the clock
For hours but it knows
Where we're gonna go.
And I know it won't miss my footprints
I doubt it'll make a difference
But I'm stomping hard to leave my mark
I've got a ways to go but I've come damn far.
And I haven't lost a drop of blood from my heart.


From the moment Rene opened his eyes, he was already too eager it to go back to sleep. Even the crust that always covered his eyes in the morning seemed to slide off of his face and separate the shades from the window enough to display the parallel lines of life squeezing into his equally sleepy room.

This morning wasn't even different, it was routine and repetitive: work, dinner, work, practice; it's just that this morning was supposed to be special, because it was his birthday.

There were 3 messages on his cell phone's answering machine when he woke up. One was from his mother, who he loved more than anyone, and respected, because she'd put up with more than anyone should have when he was younger. He was going to visit her before work, today. The second was from two of his best friends, Dan and Adam. After Rene had left his band's practice space the night before, Dan and Adam stuck around and left Rene a message around 4 am. It was hard to understand, but Rene was pretty sure it was supposed to be a rap version of the traditional birthday song. The third message was from Rene's sister, and there were quite a few text messages to be acknowledged on the way to his mother's house.

Now all he had to do was get out of bed.