Friday, June 30, 2006

Actions and Apologies

I'm sorry I've been so sloppy on the updating lately, but I've been really busy.

Okay so updates.

Check out my new band everyone - Cassela

We'd really appreciate it if you would check us out, spread the word, etc. We're buying an order of shirts and pins, and finishing the recording of our 3 song demo. We're playing shows around RI, MA, and probably CT or something this summer, so be sure to come to one, it would mean a lot to us.

And... as for writing, mostly I've been just rewriting old stuff to either use for this band or my acoustic project, but I can show you some updated songs.

This USED to be "Waltz of the Two Moons," and now it's just called "It Could Be Our Ballroom."

Call it wasting
Wasted days,
when I've been dancing time away
And ignoring the little things like life.
All these reasons
That I can't seem to find
Are the same ones
That have you losing your mind
But I have one little piece of advice...

Strap on your ballroom best
And meet me in the backyard to dance til sunset
We can pretend that we have no stress
To distract us from a way to forget.

This grass isn't a marble floor
And these trees aren't solid oak doors.
These stars aren't chandeliers
But who needs them anyway?
We've got a view like a balcony
And we have an orchestra on CD
I don't know about you
But I say who needs royalty?

Slip out of your favorite dress
Cuz it's getting so hot, we're breaking a sweat
And we can continue inside the house
Where we can tango with a one-two step.

This bedroom, is our ballroom
And these reasons are our humble reception
Onlooking what they wish they had
But we ignore them like we should
Cuz life's too short, and I think we make it far too good.

Strap on your ballroom best
And meet me out back to dance til sunset
We can pretend that we have no stress
To distract us, to distract us...
So slip out your favorite dress
Cuz it's getting so hot, we're breaking a sweat
And we can go inside the house
To our ballroom, to our ballroom.

I don't think I ever posted this, but I like it now, so... check it out, it's called "What You've Given Me (And It's More Than You Think)"

When you said, "These cigarettes,
They taste like new beginnings."
I had to say "I'm sorry but,
I don't smoke and I like things how they are."
But I was lying, dying, trying
To tell you I want to take a hit
Of what you've got, cuz it might be
The thing that makes me who I'm not.

Whoa-oa, oh, oh oh oh.
This is breathtaking
This is a whole new feeling
This is (hold) me.

When I said, "Take this loose change
Off my hands, cuz I don't like to carry it around."
You said, "Hold onto it tight, kid.
Cuz the next time that you stop to think
You'll realize it's the only thing you've got left of me."
And it hit me
Harder than a bus
Filled up with all this misplaced trust.
So I might just light a cigarette

And I'll say

Breakdown (fingerpicking).
Thank you, dear, for the wonderful life lesson
And everything you had to say.
Because, if it wasn't for you
I wouldn't be the man I am today.
So light me up a cigarette
And throw me your spare change
I don't need it, I don't smoke
But I won't throw it all away (hold).


And, finally...

Umm... I don't know really. I'm just really excited for college.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Orientation ruled.

College should kick some major ass.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Eyes in the skies; drifting, dreaming...

Oh, you're so different.
Oh, so unique.
You've got that "breaking the mold" fluorescent glow
That's got you shining out in a crowd.
Oh, you're so proud.
So dignified.
So wrong.

Look at the stars
Look at the brightest one.
It's the same, it's just the sun,
but it's got that glow.

And you've got that glow.
You've got that going for you
But I've got it, too...
In the palm of my hand.

You're not so different.
Oh, not so unique.
You've got the glow; you've got the shine.
You've got your pride
And it's something to show
For all the things you've learned.

I just realized.

This is where my high school life... is going to end up.

In a blog. I'll go back... whenever.

But... I can never really... go back.

I guess that's the point.

Monday, June 19, 2006

So this is summer?

When three lines would do
To show that you'd tried...
It was better than letting your imagination run dry.

But I've forgotten expression, my mind's become worn
My ideas are scattered, tattered and torn
In tons of directions, I'm not sure what to do
Because three months of nothing means too much to you
And not enough to me.

Monday, June 12, 2006

It's probably changed 50 times... out of 40.

Just dance baby, this is a party
Take, take, take a chance on whatever's in sight
That you might like
To try and get with or without for a night.
So hand me a hip for
Out on the dance floor
And we can make this last for as long as we want to
Cuz I'm not willing to leave here without you tonight.

I hold on tight to the chest in my arms right now
But I hold on tighter to the idea of holding onto you.

On the other hand:

Maybe my strengths lie in weakness
Cuz I'm running out of reasons
To be building these high wall defenses
There must be some consequences
For this failure to communicate
Failure to associate
With anyone other than the person in the mirror
And I'm tired of talking...

Just let me give you one bit of advice.

Listen to Four Year Strong

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Just the idea...

Would it have hurt less
If I had seen it coming?
If I had agreed
To put myself into something
That wasn't a longshot
Or a dream and nothing else.

I've waited too long to show my face
When I knew that introductions were the part of the game that mattered.

Save a place in heaven for me
Cuz anyone this dedicated must go to a better place
And anywhere is better than here
If I can't let my dreams be more then wasted space.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


So where are the pictures to remember me by?
I seem to avoid every chance I get to shine
And memories are built on the moments I let slip away.
So where are the times I really made a change?
I seem to be missing the point of this stage
In my life, if memories fade, than so do I.

Please, more than anything
Just do me a favor, one little thing.
You don't have to remember me well
But try not to forget me.

Four years gone like I couldn't believe
We've seen so much and we're only eighteen,
Could I have made mistakes already? Definitely.
I wish I could rewind just for a day
To get a little piece of everyone so I could save
These momentos forever and make my mistakes go away.

Please, more than anything
Just do me a favor, one little thing.
You don't have to remember me well
But try not to forget me.

I remember things from every year
As long as I'm here, I won't let them disappear
But I'm holding on to whatever I have left for the moment...
And that's all of my friends, I just thought you should know it.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Even The Best Break The Rules

You told me find love. Well I found it.
You left, and, so I grounded all high hopes
Of ever, of ever falling in love. (I've grounded them forever)
And these bright blue eyes are burning
From holding my chin up high, staring daringly at the sun
To move, cuz I wasn't going to bend.
And this jaw feels like it's about to fall off
From trying to convince you to put this off
Until maybe I felt something, because nothing's worse than pain,
And I mean that in the way that makes the pain seem like the better choice.

I could go pro for all the game I've talked
If I could only just once back it up.