Tuesday, March 14, 2006


How appropriate that you blow down my card house
As soon as I'm closing in on the deck.
Winds through supports of cardboard and ink
About as breakable as my neck.
So you'll huff and you'll puff
With all of your breath,
Inhale, exhale, empty threat me to death.
And I'll light a cigarette
Against my best interest
To second-hand smoke your attempt.
My defenses in shambles
And all I have left
Is this cross I bear
For what reason, I forget.
Not idol nor practice,
But more like a test
Of how inevitable it is to regret.
So take a deep breath
And blow me to pieces
To scatter and die with the wind;
And one last gasp of truth
Before I weather the seasons
Hits my lungs like cancerous sin.

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