Sunday, March 05, 2006

Shows are the best.

So my band played our first show Friday night, and let me tell you, it was effing amazing.

The best part was people liked us. It was funny though cuz they were afriad we were gonna suck cuz we did a shitty home recording of a song a while back, and then when we played, we got the biggest response, it was cool.

K, time for some reflecting and writing, I've been thinking of this concept for a while.

"So there it stood, a dwarf in the presence of giants.
A seed to the past in a city far ahead of its years.
From the outside it looked like it was ready to blow in the wind,
crumpled up and frayed at the edges like a picture from the cameras back when the building stood anew.
So from across the street, Arlen Roulet stared through the window at the empty shop,
Nervous but excited to break in.
It was too late at night to get caught, but the fear still hung in the back of his head
Like the doubts of his motive in the first place.

This was it.

This was where he'd find his answers."

I'll continue it later... what a cliffhanger.

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