Sunday, March 19, 2006

Weekends, eh?

Here's a little tool I'm gonna use from now on. If my posts have a bunch of stuff you don't wanna read or I'm ranting/emo/boring, scroll down, it might have a tl;dr, which stands for too long; didn't read. It's basically a recap.

I hate how weekends are becoming nothing but 2 days to do work OUTSIDE of school. Seriously though, it's not even like we have 2 days off anymore. I barely have any time over the weekend to actually relax anymore. Since I've had my band, which I love and will never complain about working for, I've had to dedicate every sunday from 12 - 8 to practice and writing new material, then we all go home and THEN I start homework for school.

Saturdays are always filled with something else to do, find a job, work towards college, something for my mom, some kind of family thing. It's kinda depressing. Even my friends are the same way. A lot of them work a lot now that we're seniors, and it kinda sucks because it's just ruining our "thank god for the weekend" mentality, or at least for me.

Plus, I got this stupid flu from my sister... Being sick is the worst.

P.S. - Don't miss me too much, guys. I pass my stupid-comment-making ability in class to Dylan today, who realized how emo he really is over the weekend.

tl;dr - I'm sick, weekends suck, and Dylan's emo.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

yay I like the shortcut! How'd you know I needed that? :-P kidding kidding!